Category: Colonial Libraries

  • White Flag

    I have to give up, at least for now.  I “unstuck” the sticky note (Luke, circa 1999: “Come help me un-get stuck!”)  I guess I will have to read more of the Missing Manual before I can get this sticky note business sorted.

  • Oh, I See

    The sticky post is sticky on the Blogs page, but not on the page that is just blog entries with the Libraries category.  Emma set up that page for me . . . so I wonder how I make the post sticky on that page but not the “home” blogs page . . . hmm.…

  • Testing the Sticky Post

    That project description post is supposed to stay at the top of the page, so this is a test.  But I am not quite sure how to make sure it stays at the top of the page for the Colonial Libraries blog posts, or how to ensure that it never appears in the Indexing Inventories…

  • Colonial Libraries — Project Description

    [planning to add useful text here — what data, why, organized in what manner, and the like]

  • Time Out for Some Books

    Not really the same thing as a colonial library, but the 1733 merchandise inventory for Mr. Samuel Peele (that would be the goods in his store houses, not to be confused with his household goods) lists “Stashonary &ca” including: 5 Gilt Bibles 1 plain Ditto 20 Testaments 10 Accidences 9 Salters 4 Common prayer Books…

  • Another Book

    Passed over lots of “old books” and “small books” and quite a few “parcel of books” but James Beall of Prince George’s County [inventoried in March of 1733/4] had a “Book of Arithmetick.”  His inventory also lists some of the usual suspects: Large Bible old Book 3 Small Bibles 11 Small Bookes [I had a…

  • Colonial Libraries: A Beginning

    And so it begins . . . jumping into the middle, as per usual, but I hate losing information.  This will be my venue for tracking the titles that show up in Maryland probate inventories.  I’m in the middle of indexing volume 18; the inventories in the volume are mostly from 1734.  My indexing comment…