Some changes . . .
Dear Reader (because I know we only have one reader), I’ve been tinkering and making changes. Kindly take a minute […]
Dear Reader (because I know we only have one reader), I’ve been tinkering and making changes. Kindly take a minute […]
There does not seem to be any way for a subscriber to request only emails about blogs with a particular
I have to give up, at least for now. I “unstuck” the sticky note (Luke, circa 1999: “Come help me
The sticky post is sticky on the Blogs page, but not on the page that is just blog entries with
That project description post is supposed to stay at the top of the page, so this is a test. But
[planning to add useful text here — what data, why, organized in what manner, and the like]
I know that nobody is reading this except my mother (Hi, Mom!), so I figure it is OK to be
Mr. James Butcher, Anne Arundel County [“26lbs. old Ratt eaten Baccon”] Mr. Thomas Clark, Anne Arundel County William Lock, Esqr.,